Add Files — opens the File Opening Dialog Box which allows to add selected files to the Files List on 'Files List' Tab from opened folder. If you want to select more files you can use 'Ctrl' and 'Shift' keys. |
Add Folder — opens the Browsing for Folder Dialog Box which allows to add to the Files List on 'Files List' Tab all matching files from selected folder and all its subfolders. |
Remove from List — removes all selected files on 'Files List' Tab. For clearing the list you can select all files with Edit/Select All menu command or 'Ctrl+A' hot key. |
Cut — allows to cut selected text from text fields on 'Text Block' and 'Email To JavaScript' Tabs to Clipboard. |
Copy — allows to copy selected text from text fields on 'Text Block' and 'Email To JavaScript' Tabs to Clipboard. |
Paste — allows to paste the text from Clipboard to activated text field on 'Text Block' and 'Email To JavaScript' Tabs. |
Font — allows set any font, font size and code page for displaying text of text fields on 'Text Block' and 'Email To JavaScript' Tabs. Established parameters are remembered on exit. |
Script Selection List — works with first three Tabs only and allows to select any existing script template which will be used while generation process. |
Script Templates Editor — works with first three Tabs only and opens the Script Templates Editor where you can create, edit or delete your scripts templates. |
Start Conversion — starts the conversion process. Works with all Tabs. |
Stop Conversion — stops conversion process with loss of already generated data. Works with 'Single File', 'Text Block' and 'Email To JavaScript' Tabs only (for stopping the batch conversion you have to press 'Cancel' Button in special progress displaying window box). |
Options — opens the 'Options' dialog box for operating program settings and generation process, setting interface language etc. |